Workshop on the power of the present moment

Workshop on the power of the present moment

This workshop is an educational-experiential workshop that aims to improve and stabilize the lifestyle and raise the level of resilience and acceptance of the society, and cultivates the skill of being present in the present moment and mindfulness exercises.
In this workshop, we teach the skills of observation, self-compassion, acceptance, mindfulness, etc. We also learn how to improve our lifestyle with the tools and skills we have acquired and learn from the past to the extent necessary and define a vision for the future; But at the same time, let’s focus our attention and being only on the “present moment”.

The workshop is in-person-online, and it is possible for dear Iranians living abroad and cities to attend completely online with in-person participants.

Time: Sundays, 17:30 – 21:00 Iran local time.


What topics will I learn in this course?

Improving life skills and improving lifestyle by teaching mindfulness techniques
Cultivating qualities such as self-compassion, acceptance, resilience, etc.
Strengthening the skill of observation and applying the teachings of presence
Inner access to peace, love and happiness
Moving on the path of friendship with yourself
Pragmatism and effective action in challenges instead of negativity and complaints
Cultivating the culture of social responsibility and environmental protection with volunteer work

⚠️ What is the financial system of this workshop?

This workshop is held with a clean education system (Donation). Therefore, trainers and assistants serve in this space with a cultural vow and from their position of social responsibility and take advantage of this opportunity to meet souls and influence the awareness of the society. Since Sepas Foundation has been working entirely with public support and support to create the facilities and platform for continuous holding of courses and also to expand its activities, payment is made in two stages by the participants; The entrance fee is paid at the time of registration to confirm and complete the interview and registration process on the site.
Dehesh takes place at the end of the course, and each of the participants pays the desired amount according to the average cost announced each year, and of course, optionally based on their maximum ability.(The input amount and the estimated average cost are approved and announced annually by the board of directors of Sepas Foundation.)
The important point is that payment of the fee at the end of the workshop is mandatory, but its amount is optional; Everyone, on the basis of their maximum power and generosity, makes great efforts and with the intention of publishing and continuing these trainings and developing the services of the Sepas Foundation to provide services to the next participants. Our intention is to practice and continue the chain of awareness, love and humanity so that no one is left behind due to financial issues

Course instructor: Mojtaba Abbasi

date of birth
way of acquaintance